1964-1965 Yearbook

HOLLIS M. BLACK, Berkley, Calif.; Business Administration; Lambda Sigma 1,2, 3,4, Sec.; Who's Who 4; S.A. Vice·Pres . .4; Bison 3; Bison Boosters I; America n Studies 2,3,4; OCAPA 2,3,4, Pres. 2,3; Young Republicans 3; Intercollegiate Track and Cross· Cauntry2; Intramural Sports 1,2 ,3,.4. ELLEN ANNE BLAKE, Colfax, 10 .; Business Education; Transfer from York College ; Deha Chi Omega; SNEA 3,3; Bison Boosters 3. ANNE A. BLUE, Jonesboro, Ark .; Physical Education; Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4 , Rep. 3; Band I; Bison Boosters 1,2; PEMM 3. NED BOAl, Mayfield , Ky .; Biology; Transfer from lubbock Christian College; Frater Sodalis 3,4, Treos.; Intercollegiate Basketball 3,4. DWIGHT BOGGS , H<uen , Ark .; Biology; Galaxy 2,3, 4 ; Pre·Med 4 . JOE B. BRADBURN , New Iberia , La.; Biology; Sigma Tou Sigma 1.2,3,4, Pre s. 3, Sec. 3; SNEA 4; Intramural' ,2,3,4; AII·St(1fS 2,3,4. CAROLYN BRADLEY, Lubbock, Tex.; Business Educatiun: Transfer from Lubbock Christian College; WHC 3,4, Vice· Pres.; May Queen Nom inee 4; Dactylology 3; Chorale 4, SNEA 3,4; Bison Boosters 3,4. HOLLY BRANNON, Roswell , Ga. ; Psychology·Sociology; Delta Chi Omega 1,2,3,.4 , Sports DireClor 2,3,4, Rep. 3; Petit Jean 1,2,4; Chorale 3, 4 ; Bison Boosters I ; Interclub Council 2 NICK BRIDGES, Floriuant, Mo .; Music Education; A CappeUa 1,2 ,3, Pres. 3; Quartel 1, 2; Belles and Beau)C 1,2,3; SNEA 4 ; A Tempo 1,2 ,3, 4 ; MENC 3, 4 . WILLIAM E. BRIDGES, Rockford , III. ; Business Administration; Transfer from York College; TAG 3,4 GARY L. BROCK , Inglewood , Calif. ; Bible and Biblical languages; TNT 2,3,4, Pres. 3, Vice· Pres. 4; Beta Tau Gamma Club Beau 3,4; Northern lights 1; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; Montreal Club 3,4; Intercollegiate Track 1,2,3, 4 ; Intra. mural Sports 1,2,3,4. ALVIS BROWN, Evening Shade, Ark .; Mathematics; Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4, Vice· Pres . .4 ; SNEA 3,.4; In tramural 1,2,3,4; All Stars Basketball 3. JAMES C. BROWN, Stanford , Ky .; Bible; TAG; Timothy Club 3, Vice· Pres 2. LARRY BROWN, Memphis, Tenn. ; Mathematics; Frater Sodalis. THOMAS BROWN, Wichita, Kan .; Mathematics; Transfer from Friends University and Wichita University; Mohican; SNEA 4 ; Intramural 3,4. CHARLES BUCK, Barberton, 0. ; Physical Education; Transfer from Fl ori da College; Frater Sodalis 3,4 ; SNEA 4; PEMM 4; Intramu ral 3, .4 ; AII·Sta rs Footba ll 3, Volleyball 3. PETER WAYNE BUMPASS, La Grange, 111. ; Bible and Biblical languages; Delta lola 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2, Sec.· Treas. 3; African Club 3,.4; Dactylology 2,3; Timothy Club 3; A Cappella 1,2,3; Chorale 1; BeUes and Beau)C 2; Bison Boosters 1,.4 . CHARLonE BURKETT, Dora, New Mex.; Elementary Education; Transfer from lubbock Christian College; MEA 3,4, Vice· Pres., Devotional leader; Who's Who 4; Galo)Cy Club Queen 3,4; Bison 4 ; SNEA 3,4; Bison Boosters 3,4; Cheerleader 3; Homecoming Courf 3; Class Favorite 3.