1964-1965 Yearbook

SENIOR OFFICERS. John Ryan, Sponsor; Wheeler Pounds, President; Barbara Williams, Secretory; Bob Gilliam, Sponsor'; Bill Shorl, Vice President. SENIORS Hard work and awards culminate the senior year REGINA SPIRIT AWARD TERRY SMITH A Chri stian ma n , a good exampl e, a spa rkling personality, a ha rd worker , a student l eader , a valued fri end - all are ch ar ac teri sti cs of the Regi na Spirit Award r ecipient. T erry Smith, thi s year's honoree, was a nearly unanimous select ion, and righ tly so. T erry, a Bible major from Clarksdale, Mi ss iss ippi , transferred from the Un iversity of Mi ssissippi to H arding in hi s freshman yea r. Terry, business manager of the Bison , h as been junior cl ass pres ident and favorite, Reli gious Cha irman for the Student Associa ti on and a member of the Timothy Club and intercoll egiate tennis team . 40