ACADEMIC LIFE Academic life encourages students to excellence We l earn, we understand, we broaden our sight - th ese a rc forward-moving steps in the process for whi ch we came to school - aca demic g rowth . Throughout th e year , classroom life continues, teachers l ecture, students sea rch for knowledge. Co llegiate life is academi c achi evement plus social and extra-curricula r ac ti vities . The lea rning process takes place daily through th e va rious depa rtments of the in stitution . At H a rdin g these departments include Art, Bible a nd Relig ion , Biological Science. Business and Economics, Educa tion and Psychology, English Language, Fore ign Languap;cs, General Science, History and Social Sc ience, H ome Economics, Journ ali sm. Ma th ematics. Music. Phys ica l Educa tion, Phys ical Sc ience and Speech . Classes a rc pla nned on a semes ter bas is. Sea rching for th e unknown ; study ing, or as the case may be, "cramll1ing" for finals; clos ing another yea r - th ese arc all pa rts of th e school yea r whi ch make it a pro rit able season of l earning and enj oyment for those who come to apply themselves to the situa t ion at hand . EXPERIMENTATION doesn't bothe r Tommy Carter, 05 he prepa res to run a ser ies of tests on several chemica ls in a lab. EXPLANATION of various skeletal structu res involves Mr. Roberson and Dwight Boggs in on interest ing biologica l conversation. 34