1964-1965 Yearbook

ACTIVUY engaged in helping students f ind jobs ofter graduation , Mrs . McCoy of the Placement Off ice shows Bob Pearcy some informa tion on a poss ible job. STAFF Indispensable to the operation of Harding College arc a number of non -teaching employees who perform a variety of services and \:\'ho are rcfelTed to as the Staff. Many staff members have given years of service to the college and they arc genuinely dedicated to the aims and objectives of the college. Without the capable and unselfish servic" of these people the excellent academ ic program could not be maintained. Al though students frequently do not recogn ize the imporlance of the activities of these people., their services directly affect the daily li fe of ,'ach student. They render many essentia l services that often go unrecognized. Conscientious staff maintain, operate campus ....... Outlaw, Secretory, Student Personnel Office ..... Ow.n. , Secretary, Business Office Mwlna 'ace, Secretory, Vice· President W. T. Planon, Construction Superintendent .., Petway, Assistant to the President ',"n, RN, Nurse, Health Center Bus Driver 11.lng.r, Maintenance Deportment and Pilot lob,rtson, LPN, Nurse, Heolth Center L. Simmonl, Director, Public Relations __ Spurlo(k, BA ., Assistant Engineer .,a.o Sln.ns, MA, Asst. Director, Public Relations ...,. SfrM', Manager, College Form and Dairy _ Thomos, Secretory, Student Personnel Office IIfIHd Tudt'f, Exe<utive Secretory, Alumn i Assoc. • rt Turman, Engineer III Und.rwood, MS, Accountant, Business Office IIIrman WHt, Manager, Harding Callege Press .. Woodward, Vice President for Development .. Young, BA, Cashier, Business Office 33