CHALLENGING the minds of his students to adopt to the world of higher education , Dr . Jim Atteberry stresses the need of think ing . SHAPING the future of the cloy, while she shapes her own future, Senior Ar' malor Mary Ellen Soskin works on the porter' s wheel in the Art Deportment. heir! Latham, MA AUi$tont Professor English John Ryan, MA Assistont Professor Speech Elizabeth B, Mason, MA Professor Erie 1. Moore, EdD Profe-nor Music Mona S. Moore, BA Instructor Music Charles Pittman, MA Assistant Professor English Art L. C, Sears, PhD Professor Eng lish Ann Sewell, MM Assistant Professor Mus ic Evan Ulrey, PhD Professor Speech Richard Walker, PhD Associate Professor Speech Earl Wilcox, MA Assistant Professor English Robert H. Privitt, MA Instructor Art Sandra Williams, MA Instructor English 29