Ted M. Altman, MA Assistant Professor Physical Education Cecil M. Bec:k, MA Assistant Professor PhY5icai Educotion Winnie Bell, MAlS Assistant l ibrar ian Hugh Groover, MA Bob Knight, MA Ted Lloyd, MS Leonard Lewil , Anistont Professor Assistant Professor Instructor Professor Physical Education Physical Educotion Physical Education Education M . E. Berryhill, MA Professor Physical Educotion Shirley Birdsall , MSlS Librarian Bob J. Gilliam, EdD Associate Professor Psychology EdO C. R. Montgomery, PhD Maude Montgomery, MA Harry Olree, EdD Professor Assistant Professor Professor Education Education Physical Education John Prock, MT Wayne Puckett, EdD Marjorie Ryan, BA Clarence Sanden, BA E. G. Sewell, PhD W . K. Summitt, PhD Murrey Wilson, MA Anistont Professor Associate Profes~r Instructor Director Professor Professor Assistant Professor Physical EducaTion Education Physical Education Audio-Visua l Services Education Psychology Education EDUCATION AND RESEARCH High standards, wide background achieve certification The preparation of elementary and secondary teachers is a major function of Harding College since approximately sixty per cent of the recent graduates have completed certification requirements. The undergraduate teacher education program is NCATE-approved. Dr. Harry D. Olree serves as Chairman of the Education Division and also assists in directing the research program on a scientific evaluation of physical fitness levels. Dr. W. K. Summitt serves on the Board of the AEA Department of Higher Education and Dr. Edward G. Sewell is president of the Arkansas Association for Student Teaching. Mr. Ted Lloyd and Mr. Ted Altman, both in ' physical education, are new members of the division. Beaumont Memorial Library contains more than 73,500 carefully-selected volumes. During the past summer the library was made a depository for selected government documents. JACKIE King. studenl teacher candidote. experiences p(e·lob t(oining while severol OThers observe her actions prior TO their turn at teaching. MAKINC · WORK