James R. Allen, MRE Assistant Professor Bible James D. Bales, PhD Professor Christian Doctrine Leslie Burke, MA Professor Greek and Hebrew William J. Hacker, MRE Assistant Professor Religious Education Earl Conard Hays, BO Associate Professor Bible and Church History Robert Heiden, MA Assistant Professor Bible John Robert McRay, MA Assistant Professor Bible Neale Thomas Pryor, ThM Assistant Professor Bible Andy T. Ritchie, MA Assistant Professor Bible Jack Wood Sears, PhD Professor Bible BIBLE Hearts, minds of students influenced by words, actions The Bible, the hub around which the college revolves, is ably taught to all students by a dedicated faculty . Work is administered in the Biblical, doctrinal , historical, and practical areas, but the impact of this department does not end in the classroom. Bible majors and others students likewise benefit from the Thanksgiving lectureship, an inspirational and instructional weekly Monday night meeting, numerous special interest meetings, and four annual seminars featuring outstanding ministers from throughout the brotherhood. The Timothy Club offers practical advice from ministers, elders, and church workers each week to Bible majors. The department has made a special effort this year to work through various organizations, including the Student Association, to foster a keener interest in the Bible and in r eligious activities among all Harding'S students. W. Joe Hacker, department chairman, is currently on l eave of absence completing a doctorate in religious education at Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Ft. Worth. SEARCHING for truths that Harding College and the world was built on , Bill Short seeks to Improve his knowledge of Bible truth. HARDING'S Bible deportment chairman, Joe Hacker, receives the Chri st ian Educator award from Jim Bill Mclnteer of the Twenti.th Century Christion.