1964-1965 Yearbook

VARSITY CLUB. FRONT ROW: Eo ff . Ro bb, Wes t, Smi Th, Fouss, Webb, Green, Aigee, Coston , Clark. SECOND ROW: Cox, Brock, Borber, Plummer , Jeter, Hen ry, Har ris, Moss, McGee. TH IRD ROW: Boo z, Peacock, Me rrell, Bailey, Miller, Yurcho, Ho bby, Samonie, Dean. VARSITY CLUB Honorary lettermen's society promotes athletics EYEING The leneqockets for which they w ifl be measured, freshman Jerry Cherry holds on old jacke t for John Broderhousen and Phil New 218 The Varsity Club a t H a rding, an honorary organization, is composed of the Bison athletes who have letter ed in one of the n ine intercollegiate sports in which the college participates. The club's purpose is to encourage high standards for the le ttermen and to promote athletics. HONORED gues t 01 The first foo tball pep rolly, Benny, Hardi ngs new Bison moscol, looks on with obvious pleasure at the rOOlers