1964-1965 Yearbook

ADMINISTRATION Energy and calm characterize Harding's leader DR. GEORGE S. BENSON is recognized first and foremost as a Christian leader. Students and faculty are often amazed at his ability to develop and to direct personally the intricate operations that make Harding an outstanding academic institution. Energy, hard work, and intent dedication to God are some of the dynamic characteristics that have made Dr. Benson eminently successful. The "Greater Harding" program is fast becoming a reality, and Dr. Benson's fine business judgment and excellent planning have been the driving forces behind the success of the two million dollar campaign . Dr. and Mrs. Benson gain spiritual strength by studying the scriptures together each morning. Their rich experiences in Chinese mission work have been valuable and meaningful in local church work and in training young people for the mission field. For 29 years Dr. Benson has guided the destiny of Harding College. He has imparted zeal and enthusiasm to thousands of students who have observed his exciting and purposeful Christian life. ASTRIDE one of his horses, Dr. Geo rge S. Benson epitomizes ,he poise, sTrength, and dignity he exude s a s President of Ha rd ing . SERV ING ably as secretary for the presiden t of Hardi ng College. M iss Marguerite O'Bonion proves a hard, efficient, ti re le ss worker. CATCHING The college plane, Dr. Benson and school pilot Ha rry Risinger leave, on one a t the many tri ps they toke "Hough oul The year on beha lf of Harding_