1964-1965 Yearbook

BASKETBALL Tumultuous action draws fans to Bison basketball SEEMINGLY wolking on air forward Glen Whitaker attempts 10 defend the Hard ing goal by blocking the shot. then taking the rebound. 198 RESULTS Harding Opponents 83 Christi an Broth er s College 90 86 Arkansas College 99 72 H endrix 67 93 College of the Ozarks 75 62 ASTC 78 72 H end erson Sta te 73 89 Arkansas T ech 86 43 Arkansas Coll ege 45 74 Ouachita 89 71 AST C 72 67 Henderson Sta te 53 70 UTMB 71 64 Arkansas A&M 70 66 H endrix 64 85 Chri sti an Brot her s College 77 89 South ern State 74 84 Oza rks 77 67 ASTC 85 72 H enderson Sta te 76 110 Little Roc k U ni versity 106 113 Arkansas T ech 85 57 Arkansas College 59 76 Ouachita 81 80 Arkansas A & M 65 84 H endri x 85 69 Sou the rn Sta te 79 69 Little Rock U ni versity 70 '77 John Brown Uni ve rsity 89 FAST MOVING guard Ronnie Brown dri .... es through the middle of the key against LRU 10 set up his lay up an~ a possible two points.