BASKETBAll TEAM . FRONT ROW: Alexander, Baaz , Beck, Bates, Brown, Willa rd, Va lent ine. SECOND ROW: Green, Morr ison, Goss, M edley , Whita ker, Crow, Be ll. Robb. BASKETBALL Roundballers utilize fast break, full-court press AROUSED by some act ion thai is taking place on the gym floor. Coach Hugh Groover anx iously awaits the decis ion by the official s on the call. 196 Play ing an excltmg game fea turing a fastbreak offense and a full -court-press defense, the Bi son basketball tea m kept fan s on their toes throughout the season . The 11 -17 season record, 7-11 in confer ence pl ay, docs not r eveal the fa ct that eight games w~re lost by one or two points or in overtime play . Ned Boaz, 5'8" guard, and Gary Goss 6'3" forwa rd, co-capta ins and the two seniors on the squad, ra nked among the top five in confer ence scoring and showed AIl-AlC form throughout the season. Boaz was th e top Bison r ebounder and consistently r anked among the conference leaders in thi s depa rtment. The da zzling floor game, spectacular shooting and amazing r ebounding ability of Boaz coupled with the consistent inside shooting and stellar defensi ve play of Goss led the Bisons to several new team and indi vidual r ecords. Juniors Don Medley, Dwight Robb and Glen '~T hitaker each turned in some excellent games . Harold Alexander, a r egular sta rter, and Ronnie Brown displayed great ability for freshmen. The junior varsity team achieved a 7-3 r ecord for the season. The Bisons fini shed among the top six teams in the conference.