1964-1965 Yearbook

FOOTBALL Bison gridders rely on spirit, speed, and desire lI cndcrson State stopped the Bi son 's winning streak by a 20-6 score. Mike Plummer played outstandingly on defense. Loverd Peacock scored the Bisons only touchdown on a 63-ya rd run . Arkansas Tech, 1964 AlC football ch ampions, defeated the Bi sons 27-6 in the fin al game of the scason. Maddox, Ou tl aw and Ragsdale were outstanding 0 11 defe nse. Jerome Prince scor ed the only Bison touch town. Outlaw, Ragsdale, Peacock. Ray Ri chie, Hoy McGee and Hugh Campbell end cd their coll eg iate footba ll career s. Johnny Jeter and Ga il Mote received h onor - able mention for the 1964 All-AlC footba ll team . I [olYard ranked second ill the Al C in both punt returns and ki ck-off re turns. Plummer ranked hi !(h in pass interceptions. The outstanding perfo rmance of sever al fresh - 111 ('11 and sophomores, I-Iovvard , Plummer, Jeter, :\laddo, • .li m Dav is, Pete Henry, Jerry Cher ry, James Strcct. Ronni e Kill en, Donni e Cox_ John Brodcrhau scn and Phi l New gave encouragement [or th e futu re. Jun iors Mote, Prince, Saman ic. Berni e Cox, Robin Algee and Dickie Dean will be key m CIl on the 1965 Bison eleven . OUTLAW, Aigee , and Ragsdale stop a Fort Sil l ba ck for a short gain . RAGSDALE and Maddox stop ForI Sill ballcarrier Irying for extra yardage. POISED for a running poss, Quarterback Bernie Cox rolls aul w ith the boll held high for either a long throw downfield or a short toss 10 Howard