INn.CLUB COUNCIl. f-RONT ROW: Rbchel. Cobb, Simpson, LoFevor, Owens, McVicker. Courtney . SECOND ROW: Pickens (sponsor), Speors . Robinson, Osbum, Wolfe. Koger. Rolen . P~cock , Humphreys. THIRD ROW, Griff in, Moxwell , Terry, Smith , Wimberly, K. Bonnell , C. Bonnell. Kelton . SERVICE CLUBS College life varied by active club participation CIRCLE K. FRONT ROW: Morgon, Price, Belew, Storr. SECOND ROW, l ove, Robinette, Hudkins , Voughon . Chandler. TH IRD ROW: Ristou , Moss , Stouffer. Ha ines, Dockery, Horris . 184 The girls' Interclub Council is very active in promoting good will and cooperation between the social clubs and in promoting club participation in school functions. Composed of the president, sponsor, and one other representative from each of the women's social clubs, the Interclub Council meets once a month during the first semester and at called times during the second semester. At times the members discuss and clarjfy rules applying to the social clubs and make plans for such activities as Open House to acquaint new girls with the various clubs and club participation in the expansion program of the college. Another service organization, the Circle K is the college branch of the local Kiwanis Club. A civic club, the Circle K is the only group allowed to sponsor money-raising activities which it uses to raise necessary funds for projects of benefit to the campus and the community. The members undertake various activities to develop leadership abilities. They attend weekly meetings.