DACTYLOLOGY. FRONT ROW, Kirkbride, leroux, Ault, Davis, Barry, Sims, Byrd. SECOND ROW, Robinson, Hudgeons, Bearden, Vaughan, Cook, Gueths, Selby, HuleM. THIRD ROW: Fortner, Orr, CovolinJki, G. Randolph, Janel, Moore, J. Randolph, McFarland, Benson. SPECIAL INTERESTS Our interest in others expressed through service One of the most active of Harding's groups is the Dactylology Club in which interested students can learn to speak fluently with their hands in work with the deaf. Every week several of the members travel to Little Rock to teach Sunday school classes at the Arkansas State Deaf School for colored people and to help interpret worship services for the deaf at the Central Church of Christ. Several former members have become preachers for the deaf. Harding Business Women, the full -time women members of Harding's faculty and staff, meet togrther once every month to enjoy a meal in the Empire Room and to hear a program presentation on an aspect of personal betterment. They also plan a project each year. FELLOWSHIP is enjoyed by Mexican bandit Jim Randolph and Eastern potentate Dick Cavalinski along with others of the Doctvlology costume party. HARDING BUSINESS WOMEN. FRONT ROW: Betts , B. Smith, Swink, Goodwin, Dykes, Rowe, Wilkerson, Claud, House. SECOND ROW: McCoy, Jones , Tucker, Combs, Bell , Hart, Howell , Pickens. THIRD ROW: Birdsall, S. Thomas, Koil, O' Bonion , Browning, W. Thomas, Poce, Hughes, Young .