DEPARTMENTAL Search for knowledge stimulated by many clubs aIJITSU . FRONT ROW: Woods, Dunn, DeShazo, Howard , Gentry , SECOND ROW: Philbrick, Mason (sponsor). Privitt (sponsor), Pift , Allmon, D. Bush. THIRD ROW: Stevens. Brown , F. Bush , Boyd, Hen. MU SIGMA GAMMA. FRONT ROW: McElroy. SECOND ROW: Yingling, Peacock, Danier. THIRD ROW, Pries t (sponsor), T. Brown, Tale, Mc· Kn igh t. FOURTH ROW: Peebles, Oldham, Organ, Boyd, A. Brown. 180 Bijitsu, the Japanese word for "thing of beauty," is also the name of a ' group on the Harding campus of those interested in the field of art, organized to promote interest in the visual arts. Members of Bijitsu take frequent trips to art shows in the area. take trips to find subject matter for their paintings and they enter individual art work in various showings. A piece of sculpture by Bob Pr ivitt, sponsor. was accepted for showing in LillIe Rock 's Delta Show. Mu SiglTIa Ganlma, a mathematics organization open for membership to junior and senior mathematics majors. was set up at Harding in the fall of 1964. These students meet for additiona l study in the field of math - study which could not possibly be covered otherwise in their undergraduate courses. A project of the group was to start a file of material from selected graduate schools to provide interesting information concerning upper-level work in mathematics with possible financial assistance available. Dr. Arthur Bernhart from the Mathematics Department of the University o'f Oklahoma was a guest lcrturcr in the spring.