lit GAMMA PSI. FRONT ROW: Spears, Dixon, Bai rd, Belew, Woters, Conway. SECOND ROW , Yurcho, Vaughan, Sandlin, Underwood, Johnson. THIRD ROW: Hed rick !sponsorL Stouffer, Bond , Jacobs, Shell borne, Burks. Accounting majors enjoy the activities of Pi Gamma Psi as they meet to discuss developments in their fi eld and to hear speakers in related areas of interest. The members take field tJ;ps to Memphis and LillIe Rock to investigate the offices of Certified Public Accountants and to discover how they are operated. They publish a newsletter for Harding graduates and they honor members who later become Certified Public Accountants by engraving their names on an honor plaque. A banquet with the Accounting Club from Arkansas Tech highlighted the evening of the Bison-Wonder Boy basketball game. Frequenting th e dark room above the student center, the members of the Camera Club study methods of improving the quality of their photography. CAME"" CLUB. FRONT ROW: Fann , Simpson, Stouffer. SECOND ROW: McMurray, Williamson , Tooke, CIi"ger. Highlighting the fall semester actIVItIes for the Science Club was a field trip to Benton, Arkansas, to the Alcoa aluminum plant. Promoting interest in the sciences among nonscience majors as well as stimulating further study among those majoring in a scientific field is the general objective for the club's organization. Programs presented by faculty speakers, local physicians and others are typical of the bi-weekly meetings. A spring project of tile Science Club was sponsoring the high school Regional Science Fair. SCIENCE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Lawson (sponsor). love , Baird, Geurin . SECOND ROW: Tipton, Rempsey, Bawcam, Brown. THIRD ROW: Ristau, Smith, Keichline, Ridings. 179