CONVERS ING wITh vi:ilt!n9 po rents , Don Taylor experiences one of the joys of seeing loved ones oher a long period of separation . OUR PARENTS Sacrifice, dedication \ \ REPRESENTATIVE of our working mothers is M rs. Ben Gray, as she counsels w ith students in a Jonesboro, Arkansas, cl ossroom. 16 and love depict parents Life, as our priceless heritage, is a God-given gift which comes through the love and desire of two people for each other and for children. These two people are the ones we affectionately call "mom" and "dad," Our parents, not only bring u s into the world, but also provide the opportunities for us to live, to grow, to learn, to su cceed and eventually to be paren ts ourselves. They form the basis of thought by which our lives are governed - th e foundations by which we choose our pathway of life: Appreciation , as defin ed by Webster, includes grateful r ecognition, sensitive awareness, and discriminating perception or enjoyment. Our parents should always be able to sec in our perception an awareness of their encouragement, the opportunities they have given u s, the sacrifices they have made and are making. TUITION, money paid for education. is symbolic of sacrifices of our parents for the continuing search for knowledge todays' world demands