1964-1965 Yearbook

MUSIC GROUPS Interest, talent, work make chorus successful PERFORMING his duties as the lord High Executioner, Jim Chester attempts to behead his firSI victim in the Music Departmenfs production, the M ikado. Efficient prepar a tion is cha racteri sti c of the endeavors of the A Cappella ChOJus. Following the programs presented a t th e fall Lectureship, the Chorus toured th e Sta tes of Arkansas, Missouri , Nebraska, and I owa. Su pplementing the progr am s given , the en sembles, made up of A Cappella m embers, sang additional choral pi eces. In the spring, efforts wer e coordinated with the Drama depa rtment to produce Camelot and an oper a. The performances of the ch orus h ave become renowned by their r ecordings which are available in ster eo as well as high fid elity. Constructi on h as begun on a new r ecording studio which will enable the production of even higher quality "Hymns from Harding" than the present highfidelity tapes whi ch a re presented weekly on r adio station in over 30 sta tes. The purpose of the Student Music Educators National Confer ence (Ch apter name - A T empo) is to promote music even ts on campus. Each year the SMENC gives an award to the outstand ing music stud ent. A CAPPELLA CHORUS. FRONT ROW: Knight, Stanley, Sewell, Ashton, Hol t, Jennings, Spencer, Johnson, Chitty, Kiser, Bixler, Byrd, Risinger, B. Ely. Anderson, Adorns. SECOND ROW: Guild, C. Miller, K. Smith. Hoffman, Jacques, Cook, Cobb, Stroughn, Thayer, Paine, Fogan, Starkey, Clark, Tipton, Ganus. THIRD ROW: Bowden, Davidson, O.,tOn, McDonald, luke, Koger, Rittenour, Mackey, D. Smith, Stone, Taylor, Huddleston, A. Smith, Colvin, D. Ely, Wilson. FOURTH ROW: Burton, Huey, Barker, Orgon, Roberts, lewis, Allison, Graddy, Prior, Orr, Grandi, A. Green, Ritchie, McKeon, Moss, Tucker, J. Bales. FIFTH ROW: Willioms, Stolls, Gooden, West, P. Smith, Bush, M. Boles, Whitby, DeGraw, Atteberry, Hinds, Hendrix, M. Miller, A. Green, lawson, lawyer. 170