MUSIC GROUPS Interest, talent, work make chorus successful PERFORMING his duties as the lord High Executioner, Jim Chester attempts to behead his firSI victim in the Music Departmenfs production, the M ikado. Efficient prepar a tion is cha racteri sti c of the endeavors of the A Cappella ChOJus. Following the programs presented a t th e fall Lectureship, the Chorus toured th e Sta tes of Arkansas, Missouri , Nebraska, and I owa. Su pplementing the progr am s given , the en sembles, made up of A Cappella m embers, sang additional choral pi eces. In the spring, efforts wer e coordinated with the Drama depa rtment to produce Camelot and an oper a. The performances of the ch orus h ave become renowned by their r ecordings which are available in ster eo as well as high fid elity. Constructi on h as begun on a new r ecording studio which will enable the production of even higher quality "Hymns from Harding" than the present highfidelity tapes whi ch a re presented weekly on r adio station in over 30 sta tes. The purpose of the Student Music Educators National Confer ence (Ch apter name - A T empo) is to promote music even ts on campus. Each year the SMENC gives an award to the outstand ing music stud ent. A CAPPELLA CHORUS. FRONT ROW: Knight, Stanley, Sewell, Ashton, Hol t, Jennings, Spencer, Johnson, Chitty, Kiser, Bixler, Byrd, Risinger, B. Ely. Anderson, Adorns. SECOND ROW: Guild, C. Miller, K. Smith. Hoffman, Jacques, Cook, Cobb, Stroughn, Thayer, Paine, Fogan, Starkey, Clark, Tipton, Ganus. THIRD ROW: Bowden, Davidson, O.,tOn, McDonald, luke, Koger, Rittenour, Mackey, D. Smith, Stone, Taylor, Huddleston, A. Smith, Colvin, D. Ely, Wilson. FOURTH ROW: Burton, Huey, Barker, Orgon, Roberts, lewis, Allison, Graddy, Prior, Orr, Grandi, A. Green, Ritchie, McKeon, Moss, Tucker, J. Bales. FIFTH ROW: Willioms, Stolls, Gooden, West, P. Smith, Bush, M. Boles, Whitby, DeGraw, Atteberry, Hinds, Hendrix, M. Miller, A. Green, lawson, lawyer. 170