Tho W. R. Coe American Stuoi rs Iluiloing, a mod ern la ..... roolll buildin g- COll s truc ted in 1 ~'il. hou ses seve ral 8cadrmic units o f th e collcg-c. mrluoillg the Schoo l of Amrri can Stuoies whi c h ad - mits ~llp('rior students from many departments for an in - tE'nsjv(' study of our Ame ri - can hrrit age. RC'pr('s(,l1tati\'(' of til e ('x - cC' llC' II I dOJ'l1litol'Y facilities tha t are lli e' hC' rit ag-C' of Il a r ~ cling sllI(lolI l s is KOll clall Iiali . a donn i tory for V\'C1fllC'1l hu i II in 106 1 \·"ilil funo s contri - huted iarg-r ly h.Y Arkansas l>alnlli s. 15