1964-1965 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN STAFF. FRONT ROW YOles . Simpson , Camperell , Sexson SECOND ROW, Boles, Graddy, Rachel, Craig, Brannon . THIRD ROW, Prior, Samonie, Rob, neHe. PrIce MIhan Bur ks. PETIT JEAN Zestful attitude helps lift staff to excellence SUCCESSFUllY combining all aspe<:ts of editing a yearbook , Judy Evans gu ided the 1965 Petit Jean in a tireless manner to a reword ing climax. Fun-filled hours of hard work, writing copy, captions, cropping pictures, organizing and reorganizing, scrutinizing type for errors, laughing, and crying wen t in to the production of the '65 Petit Jean. The yearbook -' a picture-filled diary of a memorable year - required sacrifices of time and energy from many people including student, staff, faculty, and administration. Student interest and a rich tradition of five consecutive All-American annuals pushed the staff to strive for excellence in quality. Planning and overseeing production were the primary functions of editor Judy Lee Evans. Business manager Mike Waters took in a record amount of cash from ad sales as a contribution to successful editing. Deadlines, necessary evils in annual work, provided stimulation for accomplishing what was to be done. The seemingly unending pressure faded away as the final pages were completed and key staff members were off to Oklahoma City to proofread the final copy before it was sent to the publishers at Topeka, Kansas. A year's dream was fulfilled and climaxed when the '65 Petit Jean was dedicated and presented to the students in a beautful, impressive, May ceremony.