1964-1965 Yearbook

Fresh approach transfuses life into the BISON Keeping the student and faculty informed of lca.np'ls happenings is the main function of the It also gives an opportunity to students exercising thei r journalistic abilities. Near end of each week the assignments are posted the volun teer student writers begin collecttheir news. Countless hours are spent in in - . . writing stories, editing copy, proofcopy, writing headlines, and meeting :d... ~I;n ." All of this is carried out under the capable leadership of Dennis Organ, editor, and Terry Smith, busin~ss manager. Faculty advisor Neil Cope aids the Bison staff with his vast experience in the newspaper and the journalistic fields. At the 1964 spring meeting of the Arkansas Colle,:(e Publication Association at Hot Springs, Ark., the Bison rated an impressive first place the General Excellence Contest for 1963-64 IUd achieved second place in the Sweepstakes Contest for individual contest points. The year was highlighted by the staff banquet Dear the end of the school year at which delel"Ving students were given recognition and awards. FACULTY patron for a newspaper isn't an easy jab, but Neil Cope capably handles the delicate reins of advising without ordering or censoring. STAff. FRONT ROW: Smith, McVicker. Crowford, Neal , lewis, Tooke, Clawson. SECOND ROW: lucas, Barber. Ma)(welL Yingling , Sewell. O 'Neal, JohnTH IRD ROW Prior, Worsham, Borker, Starr, Organ, Yurcho, Davidson, Wilson . 165