1964-1965 Yearbook

STUDENT ASSOCIATION Organization, planning mark student association SERVING punch to weary freshmen, Edeen Mazurin, Junior Representative, helps rel ieve The sultry atmosphere of the registration line. One of the most active organizations of Harding College is the Student Association which serves as a communications link between the students and the administration. The SA has had multi-facet functions in providing for various student programs and activities which have required the coordinated efforts of both students and faculty. The year began for the SA with a pre-school conference to make plans and arrangements for the year's activities. Orientation for new students was facilitated by their efforts. The new student mixers and the all-school watermelon party aided many in getting acquainted. The SA was especially active in planning the events for Homecoming. The November elections stimulated the SA to hold a straw election for President, Governor, and concerning the amendment legalizing gambling in Arkansas. Christmas brought plans for the annual party, the toy and dolly drive for certain children's homes. Throughout the year, the student body enjoyed the use of the new Cinema-scope screen and lens at the campus movies on Saturday night. CABINET MEMBERS. FRONT ROW, Hays, Gentry, Boles, Griffin, Hicks. SECOND ROW; French , Miller, Absh ire, Prior, Smock, Smith, Gordner .