OUR SCHOOL Key Buildings Hold Heritage for Future Success To proyioC' ~ IIJ )(' ri () r faci lit ics for prC'sC'll tin g- th e' gTf' al spiritllell h(' ril ap;c III Chri stiallit y_ th e' Bibk Bllilding. ,"oll slnlCl erl In 1060. i s th e 1I10st ('\IC'll s i vf' l y lI sr rl c1ass roOIIl lJu i lei i ng. Bf'<lllllWllt l\1 f' lllOri a I Lihrar~· . bu ill ill l c)~ O. prese nl s 10 the I lard in :.; commllnity the g r eat inl f' lI rc tllai he rit age' of modern iIlall through 7'1.000 cardull y ,,(' I ('cl cci VOIUflH'S and va noll s "'Llppi r mel1l ar y llI a lf' ri a ls. 14