Student Leaders are recognized for their merits Selection to membership in Who's Who . A~rum,g Students in American Universities and I Collel~es is one of the top honors that a junior or can receive. Criteria used in selecting Iltuden.ts include the student's scholarship, his participation and leadership in academic and extra-curricular activities, his citizenship and ...MICeS to the college and his promise of future 1IIefulness. Faculty members review a list of DOlmirlees submitted by the Student Council and make additional nominations before they make the final selection. To be eligible at Harding for this honor, a student must have a cumulative average. Preference is given seniors but three juniors - Clifton Ganus III, DE,nn,is Organ and Jim Wilson - merited recogJimmy Arnold, Mary Ethel Bales and Reppart were selected as juniors in 1963-64. The names of the twenty-three students selected will appear in the 1964-65 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities Colleges. These students also receive special service through this organization. receive a certificate of membership and they are eligible to purchase a membership key. MICHAEl WATERS . ... Petit Jean Business ManaMoh'con President, InTromural Sports, America n Studies. THOMAS DANiEl REPPART 1963-1965 American Collegiale Ployers. Campus Ployers. Alpha Psi Omega, l ambda Sigma. MARY ElLEN BASKIN . Sludent Association Cabinet, Cheerleader, 1963 Homecomi ng Queen Attendan t, Petit Jean Queen Nominee, Ko Jo Kai. JAMES ALAN CHESTER Trave lai res Quar tet, Bell es and Beaux, A Cappella Chorus, MEN(, A Tempo, SNEA, lambda Sigma. 157