1964-1965 Yearbook

GETTING ;nto everything, always asking questions, and forever smiling. linda Byrd makes the day brighter and more beorable for all of those who know The young sophomore from little Rock. HIS disposiTion is always written on his face. and it is almost olways sunny. The way to tell Bill Moss is to listen for the person who is always whistling or singing a very happy song. SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN EASY GOING, wi l ly. interes ted in the world about him and whal is going on il') it, describes freshman favorite Ken Storr. He brings his calm manner to the campus from Son An tonio, Texas. VIVACIOUS, likeable - bOTh characterize the girl picked by her freshman classmates as their favorite. Pam Mullins' friendly manner and bright outlook can bring sparkle and unpretentious fun. 155