1964-1965 Yearbook

SENIORS TALENTED in her own field, and snowed under with her own prOlects, Mary Ellen Boskin al - ways is happy 10 drop who I she's doing 10 help someone else. She's from Stillwell. Oklahoma. SHORT in STalure, but long on friends, senior Ned Baaz inspired his classmates by his example on how 10 exceli in a loll-mon's game. Ned come from lubbock Christion os a junior. JUNIORS CJ{Wleen vUc8Qwy CUJiQQianl 8" uckeft ALWAYS on The go, tunior doss favorite Koreen McElroy is constantly busy; whether she's studying, participaTing in exIra activities, or helping a friend. This perl miss is from Osconda, Mich. QUIET, yel respeCled and influential, William Tucker ably represents Ihe besl characteristics of his doss. A business administration mojor from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, he is a closs officer.