t I / Judy Ci)allfeQ .... . . , '. - ... .. ' '\i~ ... I ,. '\ ' I ." Ko Jo Kai nominee, Judy Daniel is a seni or elementary educa tion major from Dallas, Texas. Her willi ng spirit and sunny smile have ca ptiva ted the approva l of many, many fri ends on the Ha rd ing campus to make h er a school per - sonality. Per sonable Vicki e Mitch ell sh ows h er vivaciousness through h er capacity as h ead cheerleader for the Harding Bisons. Vicki, a junior Englishsocial sc ience major, is from Memphis, Tennessee. She is Tri-Kappa's queen nominee. 148 PERHAPS best known for her winning smile, Junior Corol Bonnell spends much of her time serving the students in the school cofete ria . .J )