1964-1965 Yearbook

LINDA Robinson, Brenda McFarland , Pam Green, and athe r WHC' s ent ertai n their new club beau, Roge r McCown, with a birthday party, Traditional country supper party observed again One of the oldest. clubs on campus also continued one of the oldest traditions o[ third [unctions on campus by having their annual Country Supper" at the Pumping Stati on . In this slIpprr, which is carried out with the trappings of the [arm several decades ago, the gues ts and mrmbers enjoyed good country food and gamrs. Early in the year, nine pledges were added to thr mrmbership ranks and Roger McCown was selrctrd as club beau. During the year , the new mrmbers as well as the old worked on various projrcts including the "\'Vinter "Vonder - land" banquet at Buck Power s. Honored a t the ban'lurt as wrll as at many intervals during the ear, which included a surpri se birthday party, was dub brau Roger McCown . OffICElS. FAll ! Robinson , Pres.; Bradl ey, V ice·Pres.; Cook, Sec.; fhh.r. Treos., Mrs. Ed Woodward, Sponso r. SPRING: Robinson, Pres.; McDonald , Vice· Pres .; Fischel, Sec.; Bradley, Treos.; Mrs. Bill CO)(, WOODSON-HARDING COMRADES . TOP ROW: Binkley, Bradley, Chitty, Cook. SECOND ROW: Fischer, A. Green, P. Green, Hunt. THIRD ROW: locklar, McDonald, McFarland, Mayner, Robinson FOURTH ROW: Sc:roggs, Smith, Timmerman, W" lis, Woods. 141