MARCHING in ~tep 10 Iheir club loyalty song , these To febt toads wonder if the ir seemi ng ly endless pledge requi rements con ever be completed. TOFEBT T ofebts and dates enjoy a 'Winter Wonderland' 140 After rou gh initi a ti on at th e College Park the eleven " toa ds·' }l ad a more solcm n and serious formal initi a t ion . Thi s was he ld at Echo Haven and th e gir ls \\'(' 1"(' a rl mon i ~ h {'d to remcmber the club sloga n. --T o ou r Fa th(' r ('\'e r be truc.· ' December bro ll ~hl a -- \ Vinl cl' \Vonderland" to the To febts and th e ir g ll cs ts. l3ilrs Res taurant was decora ted in a Chri stmas a tmos phere to ca rry ou t th e th eme of th e ba nque t. Raymond Muncy filled th e evcntful cve nin g with humor by hi s speech a fte r whi ch Ke n O·Nea l and Roy Deaver ga ve a g-al a mu sical contributi on . Marc h weath e r pro vid ed th e atlll os phcrc for a hay ride to the Pumpill g· Stati on . A hootenanny kept th e T ofebts a nd th c ir dat es busy on the way to th e site of fh e fu nc ti on . After arnvmg, th c .g roup enjoycd "Country Ca pers." OFFICERS . FALl: Trotter, Pres.; Ramsey , Vice-Pres .; Moore , Sec.; Hend rix, Treas. SPRI NG: Davis, Pres .; McCloud, Vice· Pres.; Coyne . Sec.; A. Brown. Trees .; Geneva Combs. Sponsor. TOFEBT. TOP ROW: Combs (sponsor)', Allen , A. Brown , D. Brown. SECOND ROW: Bumpass, Co rpenter, ChambliSS, Coyne . THIRD ROW: Da vis, Ge nsn er , Gibson, Hendri x. FOURTH ROW: Ricks, Hinson , Hulett, l ea rned . FIFTH ROW: McC loud , Moo re, Og le , Pike. SIXTH ROW: Ramsey, Rogers , Trotter , White.