1964-1965 Yearbook

PRELIMINARY architectural drawings for 0 new science building wi th loboratories ond lectu re rooms revea l dreams for the future of our schoo l in the Greater Harding program. OUR SCHOOL Tradition, • dedication manifest heritage serVice, RHODES Memoria l Fieldhouse, named after 0 faculty member. is pa rt of our school open for use by students in physicol development . GENTlY rolling in. the fog dissolves the beautiful Harding campus into shimmering. misty moonlight with merely a hint of a building visible. Our school - th a t pa rt of our priceless heritage which was definitely made possible by the sacrifi ces of alumni and fri ends of Harding - has a physical plant valued a t approximately 12 million dollars. The beautiful campus serves this institution of l earning well. H owever, it is not sta ti c. A two million doll ar campaign for a "Greater Ha rding" is in 'its second year. Constru ction is well a long on a multi-purpose Alu mni-Amer ica n He r itage Center and plans are being made for the bui ld ing of a new science hall. The music depar tmen t is expa nding into a new, well -equipped record ing studio. Harding is mov in g: forwa rd . Scenes of the past wh ich en r ich Harding's hi story include th e move from Morrilton to Sea rcy in 1934 to the Gall oway College campus. The heri tage has moved fo rwa rd un til the present - 1965. I t is /! rowing and will continue to grow only as long as it is supported by those who r ea li ze the good th a i Ha rdin g does, can, and will accompli sh in the developmen t of Chri stians and citizens. It is our res ponsibility to use this heritage and then to conti nue it for the generations to come - to bui ld a "Grea ter Harding."