ATTENTION seems to be centered on the boll, as Omego Phi s Jone Binegar, Jennelle Heid, and Midge Pitman rush forward to retrieve the poss. OMEGA PHI Western attire creates atmosphere for function OMEGA PHI. TOP ROW: Alleberry (sponsor ), Bartley , Borton , Bearden , Binegar. SECOND ROW, Chambers. Finley, Gorlock, Hardin, Hoys. THIRD ROW: H. He id, J. Heid, Hobby, Huddle ston , Humphreys . FOURTH ROW: King, Middleton , Mitchen. Pitmon, Rachel FIFTH ROW: Reynolds. Sexson, Stroud. Taylor , Voughn_ 136 An early sprin g- inrormal run c ti on was enjoyed by the Omel'a Phi 's a nd th 0ir da tes on March 6. Dressed in w('stcrn a ttirc. th e "cowboys" en· joyed their adventures in to th e "wild and woolly" \Yes t. Eat inl' hot dol's an d playing games wcr e th e ma in ('vcn ts or th e cvcn ing. Eleven pledl'es we r0 forma ll y in iti a ted at the home of th e clu b sponso r, :\1rs. James Atteben ·y. They joined forces w ith th e ve t,,!"a n members to compl ete a yea r of aC li v0 pa rti c ipa tion in club sport s a nd ac ti viti cs. " Vieux Ca rre" loo k th c Omega Phi 's and their gues ts to the old F rench qu arters in New Orlean s for th e form a l ba nquet. Kelly's Grill in Bald Knob was ve ry ef fect ively decorated with floating ca nd lcs a nd a mural whi ch gave th e im press ion of sitting on a balcony ou t under th e sta rs. Ch arlotte Humphreys was mi stress of ceremon ies a nd JoAnn Kelly a nd Beth Smith enterta ined for the 1!J"0Up. OFFICERS, FALL, Humphreys, Pres.; Rachel. Vice· Pres .; Se:o:son. Sec.; Hobby . Treos. SPR ING: Rachel, Pres.; Beorden, Vice-Pres.; Chambers , Sec. ; Dasher. Treos.; Ruth Alleberry, Sponsor.