MU ETA ADELPHIAN Club spirit gives incentive for sports competition MU ETA ADElPHIAN. TOP ROW: Ryan (sponsor), Austin, 6 . Bonnell. C. Bonnell , K. Bonnell. SECOND ROW: Burkett, Cleveland, Cobb, Eades, Griff in , Hamplon . THIRD ROW: Jones, Karnes, lentz, Norry, Noylor, Rogers. FOURTH ROW: C. Shannon, M Shannon. Sims, Ward, Wilson, Wisener. FIERCE com~eliliveness is exemplified by CaThy Shannon O~ she steps in and blocks a pOHible two poinl play before il really gels off the ground 134 After being formally initiated ea rly on an October Sunday morning, the new members enjoyed breakfast with thei r n ew club sisters. They then joined forces for an active yea r of participat ion in club sports and other club activities. A hayride to Camp Wy ldewood provided a night of fun for the MEA 's and their dates. The events of the evening were brought to a close with a devotional around th e campfire. A style show in which tJ, e MEA's modeled fa shions from Kroh 's for their guests the Regina 's was h eld at the home of We club sponsor, Mrs. Ryan. After the style show, a r eception was held. Many oth er activities were enjoyed by the MEA's throughout the yea ... OFFICERS. FAll : Eades , Pres.; C. Bonnell, Vice· Pres.; Cleveland, Sec., B. Bonnell, Trees. SPRING: C. Bonnell, Pres.; Wisener, Vice.Pres.; Griffin, Sec. ; Word, Treas. ; M arge Ryan , Sponsor. W ITH a mighTy heave, MEA's Mary Shannon displays The form she has acquired Through long hours of practice wiTh The shot put.