minute preparation by los Componeros' Martha Terry and Brenda Jackson assures that all is in readiness for their club's upcoming function. COMPANERAS 'Roaches' proceed to sister rank during week COMPANERAS. TOP ROW: Pillman (sponsor). Argo, Boyd, SECOND ROW: Emmerich, Fuller, Grady, Harris. THIRD Hudgeons, Kee, Kinard, Jackson. FOURTH ROW: Mc- • Moddo~, Mauck, Mo~well. FIFTH ROW: Moore, Murphy, C. Smith. SIXTH ROW: l. Smith, Stoff. rd, Terry, Way· Eleven new members were welcomed into the LC Club after an informal initiation at the Coll ege Park and a memorable formal ca ndle light ceremony at the home of the fall semes ter sponsor, Mrs. Russ Simmons. T o end their pledge duties, the " roaches" prepared a supp.er for the appreciative active members. A "Spanish Fiesta" was held November 20 at the Pumping Station. Dressed in Spanish costumes, the LC' s amI their dates enjoyed ea ting chili , play ing games, and s ingi ng group songs. "Love Makes the W orld Go Rou'1d " was the February 20 banquet a t Buck Power s Res taurant in Beebe. An entertainment speech was presented by Raymond Muncy and Anita Smith sa ng songs to se t the mood for th e occas ion. Once a month , the LC's enjoy swimming, bunking parti es~ wciner roas ts, and seasonal parties toge ther. Their ann ual project is doing composi tes of classes. Thi s yea r they chose a spec ial project of he lpin i( support an Afri can mi ss ionary. OFFICERS . FALL Kinard. Pres.; Terry, Vice-Pres.; Jackson, Sec.; Argo, Treas. SPRING: Terry, Pres .; Maxwell, Vice- Pres .; Moore, Sec.; Jackson, Treos .; Mrs. Charles Pittman . Sponsor. 133