new members complete roster for 1965 A hectic week of pledging for the eleven some- "hat "bewildered and bedraggled" new Kappa Phi', was climaxed by an informal ceremony at the Ely home in Searcy and a formal ceremony at the home of Mrs. Barbara Altman, club The highlight of Kappa Phi 's functions this ar was their "Wonderland By Night" banquet hich was held at Bu~k Powers Restaurant on anuary 14. The couples were entertained by . Russ Simmons with his cartoons presented 011 slides centered around activities of the club members. FAll , Storr, Pres_ ; Tooke, Vice- Pres.; Ash ton, Sec.; Ba rrett , SPRING, Handley. Pres. ; Hawk ins, Vice -Pres.; Ashton. Sec.; 1Drmt. Treas Barbara Altman , Sponsor. lAPP" "'1, TOP ROW. Altman hponsorJ.. Allison , Anderson, Ashton. IECOND ROW: Ault, Barrett. Borry, Bean. THIRD ROW: Sice. Craig . lord. Ely. FOURTH ROW: Freemon, Handley, Hawk ins, Hohli er. PIFTH ROW, Holt, leckliter, Nagel , Pocker. SIXTH ROW: B. Smith , K. th, Slarr, Tooke 10 put Iheir new door signs up, these Kappa Phi's work en lhus iOSlico ll y to pu t Ihe finishing touches on their blue and while club emblems.