, r 01 the desk 10 sign out before leaving for a bunking party. These Koppa Delta's anticipate on enjoyable evening of frolicking and fun. awaiian luau sets scene for traditional function Twelve lowly pl edges wer e informally in iti a ted at the home of the cl ub sponso r, Mrs. Puckett. A new tradit ion of a ca ndle li ghting cer emony was started by the Kappa Delta's thi s year . It was held at Bill 's Res taura n t. After thi s impresive ceremony the newly init iated members and the acti ve members en joyed a specia l ca terin g service. "Silve r Bells" chimed for the Ka ppa Delta 's and their gues ts a t. a formal banquet held a t Bill's Restaurant in December. ' '\la yne Puckett "letters to Santa " from the club m embers and Raymond Muncy spoke for the eventful occasion. To round out th e evening of enterta in - ment, ll arding Burton accompani ed Anita Smith while she sang songs cente red a round the Chri stmas theme. The mistress of cer emonies, Marth a Ko~er. presented g ifts to the club sponsor. Mrs . Puckett , and the cl ub beau. Ga r y Simpson . The traditional Hawa iian Luau, complete with muu muus, bri ght fl ower ed sh irts and l e is, was held in Apri l. The club m embers chose to make packages for needy people as the ir club project. . FAll : Koger, Pres.; B. Cooper, Vice-Pres.; Wai t, Sec.; Kelly, SPRING: Morgon, Pres .; Wa it, Vice -Pres .; Webb , Sec.; Owens , Irene Puckett , Sponsor . KAPPA DELTA . TOP ROW: Puckett (sponsor), Boyce, Brown , Ca mpbell , B. Cooper. SECOND ROW: S. Cooper, Dismuke, Ell iOl! , Holland, Hunn icutt . THIRD ROW: Jacques . Kelly, Koger , layden , larkins. FOURTH ROW: Morgan, Ne iderer, Owens, Pease , Penn . FIFTH ROW: Riggs , SmiTh , Tysi nger, Wo iTe , Webb. 129