1964-1965 Yearbook

SERVING punch to newly initiated Ju Go Ju's, old member Koren Warren welcomes Judy Huckaby and the new sponsor Jane Sha rp, JU GO JU CAREFUL preparation, eKhibited by Sandie Smith and Francene Spaulding, is necessary to a successful presentation of May fete. 'lollipops and Roses' picturesque banquet theme 128 "Make it h er birthday each day of the week . . give her 'lollipops and roses' " set the scene for Ju Go Ju 's banquet January 16 at Buck Powers. Beth Smith presented the theme in song after a delicious buffet meal. Billy Ray Cox gave the after dinner honors in his speech centered around humor revealed in the recent Kennedy term of office. President Paula Peacock gave gifts of apprecia ti on to club sponsor, Mrs. Cliff Sharp, and beau x Bob Pe<l rcy and William Tucker for their continued support. The tradition al May Fete is an event sponsored by th e Ju Go Ju' s. Each year's president is director of the spring pageant. "My Fair Lady " supported the qu een selection in a fa ll chapel program where colored lights, beautiful music and charming ladies created the mood. Dalton Eddleman was narrator . OFFICERS. FAll: Peacock, Pres.; Spaulding, Vice-Pres.; Warren, Sec.; McElroy, Treos. SPRING: Darter, Pres.; Yales, Vice· Pres.; Spaulding, Sec.; Starling, Treas.: Jone Shorp, Sponsor. JU GO JU. TOP ROW , Sharp (sponsor), Butler, Camp, Crook. SECOND ROW: Darter, Fisher, Forbess, Hedrick. THIRD ROW: Huckaby, Jones, l anghalf, McCormick. FOURTH ROW, McEl roy, Outlaw , Pau ll in, Pea· cock. FIFTH ROW, Phillips, K. Show , L. Show , Spaulding . SIXTH ROW : Sta rl ing, Taylor, Warren, Yates.