supper highlights pledges' hardships Ten industrious Gata pledges prepared a luscious pancake supper for their pledgemistresses to celebrate the longed-for end of pledge week. The pledges formally became members of Gata after an impressive ceremony in the home of their sponsor, Mrs. George E. Baggett. In the later fall the Gatas held a weiner roast at Searcy's Camp Wyldewood. After playing games and singing around the campfire, the memorable evening was brought to a close with a devotional around the dying embers of the fire. Club participation in sports was good, and the members especially enjoyed the competition in basketball. New members and ve teran Gatas found enjoyment at bunking parties and meetings throughout Ille year. At these informal meetings, they made plans 'for a spring banquet and outin~. OffICIIS. FALL : Courtney, Pres.; Toylor, Vice · Pres .; Wol fe, Sec.; Mattrniller, Treos. SPRING: Wolfe. Pres .; Taylor, V ice-Pres .; Bradsher. Sec; Roebolt, Treas .; Jeannette Baggett, Sponsor. GAlA. TOP ROW, Baggett (sponsor), Ablel , Ba tel , Brad sher , Butler. SECOND ROW, Colcote, Callender, Courtney, Cranford, Davis. THIRD ROW: DVM, Gammell , Howell, Mottmiller. Porker, Payne. FOURTH ROW, Porter , Reibolt, Taylor, Weor, Wol fe. Wooda rd . industriously work 10 keep the trad itional club scrap book up to date with news a"d information.