1964-1965 Yearbook

DELTA CHI OMEGA 'Old Fashioned Christmas' is formal banquet idea DELTA CHI OMEGA. TOP ROW: Davil (,pon5or~. Bell , Sloke, Brannon , Chopin . SECOND ROW: Conway, Dougherty . Harrell . Jonnlon , limburg . THIRD ROW: McMillon, Merriman, Morrison, Neal , Pork. FOURTH ROW: Penrod, Scrogg •. Selby. Setliff, Sommer. FIFTH ROW: B. Swonn. S. Swonn , J. Watson . N. Wa llon , P. Watson , Wimberly . Eleven pledges were infonnally initiated at a bunking party held at the home of the club sponsor, Mrs. Kenneth Davis. Solemn formal ceremonies concluded the pledging activities. "An Old Fashioned Christmas" was the setting for the Delta Chi banquet held December 14. A Christmas tree with decorations made by members of the club, along with pine cones and magnolia leaves, decorated Kelly's Restaurant at Bald Knob to set the mood for the event. Neale Pryor delivered an entertaining speech and Jo Lee Thayer sang a number of songs centered a round the Christmas idea. Enthusiastic support was shown by the Delta Chi's this year in the intramural sports program. There was good participation in all activities. The Delta Chi's greeted new women at the fall open house in their new white wool blazers. At the start of the second semester, plans were begun for an infonnal function and a spring retreat. OFFICERS . FALl: Sommer, Pres.; Neal. Vice- Pres.; S. Swonn, Sec.; Setliff, Treas . SPRING: Setliff, Pres .; Brannon . Vice·Pres.; $craggs. Sec.; B. Swonn, Treas.; Betty Davis, Sponsor. ENJOYING refresh ing cokes and wearing their new blazers, the Delta Chi 's gather in the student center to discuss pIons for the spring semester.