1964-1965 Yearbook

I PUTTY Marilyn Grimes smiles a perplexing smile for her pledge mistresses as she carries The Beto Tou symbol to please them. BETA TAU GAMMA PROSPECTIVE pledges meel Bela Tou Gommo's Kathy McVicker, Sue Studebaker. Susan. Craig, and Eileen Mczuren at the annual open house. 'Thermostrockamortimer' rules during pledging Twelve Beta Tau Gamma "clods" went through a week of being inferior crea tures and introducing their black stuffed "Thermostrockamortimers" to many, many people only to complete the period as equals and club sisters after a bcautiful, candelight formal initiation at their sponsor's home. Their sponsor is Mrs. Ruth Bcarden. Other "cloddy" activities of the week included writing descriptive poems about pledgemistrcsses and entertaining them with a ]lizza suppcr featuring Pat Richey singing "Shenandoah." Searcy's EI Charm was the scene of a Spanish rendczvous where eale Pryor was the speaker. An evcning of games and fun was the annual third function . Project money was contributed to the SA Lounge. OPFI(ElS. FALL: McVicker, Pres.; Wood, Vice· Pres.; Arnold, Sec.; Maluron,Treos. SPRING: Leroux, Pres.; Arnold. Vice· Pres.; Studebaker, Sec.; Forrest, Trees .; Ruth Bearden , Span_sor. BETA TAU GAMMA. TOP ROW, Beorden Isponsor). Arnold, Bornes, Binkley, C. Craig. SECOND ROW: S. Craig, Dixon, Dobson, Forrest, Grimes, Hamilton. THIRD ROW: Helenschmidt, leroux, Jester, Johnson, McVicker, Mozuran. FOURTH ROW: M. Richey, P. Richey, Rogers, Studebaker, - Timberlake, Wood. 125