ALPHA GAMMA. TOP ROW: N. Pryor (Sponsor], T. Pryor (Sponsor], c. Barton, S. Borlon, Beck, M. Bridges, W. Bridges, Brown, D. Chandler, l. Chand· ROW: S. Cunningham, W. Cunningham, Curlis, D. Dixon, E. Dixon, Duer, Dunn, J . Ha mpton, N. Hampton, H. Hays. TH IRD ROW: W. B, House, G. House, ·A. Keelh, J. Keelh, A. Kelley, J . Kelley, A. Ken nison, C. Kennison. FOURTH ROW: D. KOSlowski, K. KOSlowski, J . La wlawyer, G. Lucas, J. Luca s, B. May , J . May, Monroe, S. North. FIFTH ROW': T. Norlh. D. Owen s, S. Owens, J . Pebworth, M. Pebworlh. Pri nce, G. It Reaves, G. Seamon, T. Seama n. A ALPHA GAMMA lIoween party highlights year of togetherness This yea r's ac ti ve TAG members transformed Emerald room in to a haunted h ouse compl ete skeletons and coffi ns to celebrate the OctoHalloween night. Striving to keep the meaning of theil' Greek Theta Al pha Gamma - God. Husband . Wife - foremost in their activiti es. is the of all residents of the man-i ed stuan'Jrt:mr nts in a weekly devotional. pa r ticipation reached an a ll t ime for TAG wi th the introduction of a new . prog-ram for th e married studen ts. Both and women pa r ti cipa ted en thusiastically Harding-'s club and intramural sports com - R. Curtis, Pres.; H. Ha ys, Vice· Pres.; D. Chandl e r, Sec.· Treva and Nea le Pryor, Sponsors . FELLOWSHIP was enjoyed by Ihe young as well as Ihe old as TAG gal off 10 a big slart wilh a masquerade party planned fo r Ihe whore family. 12 1