TNT • Combined Christmas caroling puts club In spirit FIRECRACKERS and suits ore the order of the doy for the TNT pledges as they cheer their club on to victory as they vie for the softball championship. Caroling with their club sister s, the TNT's h elped to bring Christmas ch eer to Searcy hospitals and r es t homes . Afterwards th e Zeta Rho 's treated them to r efreshments at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Muncy . Delicious pi zza topped off a deli ghtful evening at the pumping sta tion r ecrea tion room after an enjoyable hayride. Second h elpings of pizza in large proportions wer e cha rac teri sti cs of the evening's fun . Contributions towa rd the construction of the intramural bulletin boa rd was continued as project of the year for the clu b. "Space," a limitl ess topic, was the basis for TNT' s banquet ac ti vities on Ma rch 20. Lovely ladies, flowers, good food and an inter es ting speech completed a night of formal entertainment for the club. Spring time brought about the annual outing. OFFICERS. Brock, Pres .; Fauss, Vice-Pres.; Smock, Sec.; Tipton, Treas.; Dr. Joseph Pryor , Virgil lawyer, Sponsors. TNT. TOP ROW: lawyer (sponsor), Pryor (sponsor), Bobb, Charles Baird, (hester Baird, Belew, Blucker, Brock, Curry, Dole. SECOND ROW, Doniel, Davidson, Dixon, FOSler , Fauss, Gaskins, Gowen, Griffith, Guild, Hargrove. THIRD ROW: Heard, Hollis, Johnson, LeFors, McForlond, Moore, Odell, Pierce, Prestridge, Roper, FOURTH ROW: Sheehy, Don Smith, Do"jd Smith, Smock, Straughn, Thornton, Tipton, Van Rheenen, Voughan, Whi te, Yingling-, 120