1964-1965 Yearbook

OUR AMERICAN WAY Past, Present, and Future Form Basis for Harding's Education Ameri ca th e h('a utiful ~ How g rea t it is to he an Amc r,ica n t ()d a!'~ Our vvay o f life. as preccne nt ed by th e fat hers of Ameri ca. is something to be a ppr ec ia ted. en vied. studi ed and ca refully g uarned by each c itizen . "' \ ·Vh ere Ameri can a nd Chri st ia n ideals go hand in ha nd " is a vita l ro le whi ch H a rding stri ves to fu lfill in tra in ing student s to ta ke their p lace as adult Clll"jsti ans and c iti zens in the c0 l11m uni ty. Preserva t ion o f our basic A ill cri can freedoms w ill only be ac hi eved thm ug h t he work of in - teres ted students, well -informed about our h eritage . Study in th e politica l a nd hi stori ca l realms fortifi es u s in th e continuing stl11 ggl e aga in st th e ideologies which would des troy our freedom - our ve ry life. THE hand of freedom mar ks The fuTure course of America as in thi s presidenTi ol eleClion year, a Harding studenT helps cur counTry choose our new leaders FREEDOM, li ke OU f flos. means man y li'; ng s. As 'r,.,. fJc'9 is free in the windy sk.y . so ore we a ll f ree - iO I II· e Ie wor k. 10 dre,,", ': nd 10 pion for cu r fUTure