1964-1965 Yearbook

KO INONIA members provdly honor dub queen Undo Robinson for her f ine support this yeor w ith a sweater bearing the Koinonia club's insignia. KOINONIA A growing Koinonia reflects members' progress KOINONIA. TOP ROW: Walker (sponsor), Ailes. Ale:.:onder, Berry, Boyd, SECOND 11:0W: Campbell , Carpenter, Costleman, Duncon. Elkins. THIRD ROW. Erskine, Grant, Hornby. Jonel , Kee. FOURTH ROW: McKean, Mizell, Pearce. PeebJel , Prather. FIFTH ROW: Reaves, Steven son , Tuck~ . G~ White , J. White, Whitney. OFF ICERS. G. While . Pres; Reeves, Vice· Pres.; Jones. Sec.·Treas.; Richa rd Walker, Sponsor. 114 Centering many of their activIties around a secret cave, the Koinonia club had a very active year. Early during the year sixteen new members were initiated in a rigorous induction ceremony. At selected intervals in the school year, all of the members met at the cave for stag outings. During the semester break the club's new offgold blazers arrived and were proudly worn by the club members as symbols of being a Koinonia. In keeping with the tradition of having club functions, a bea tnik party was held at the Pumping Station during the first semester. To round out the year, the club h eld a banquet at which their queen was honored . Also during the second semester, an outing was held on a beautiful spring day. To keep the members happy and also well - fed, Queen Linda Robinson baked many cakes and other tasty foods for the club meetings. This little luxury was one that was greatly appreciated by the mcmbers.