1964-1965 Yearbook

GALAXY. TOP ROW: Davis (sponsor). Ryan (sponsor). Simmons (sponsor), Alexander, Belue , Boggs, Boilla, Boudra , Bray , Corter. SECOND ROW: Collins, Cottrell, Day, DeFoor, Dye, Fairley, Ford, Gardner, Goatley, Hombuckle . THIRD ROW: Howard, McClellan, McKinney, McMackin, Moyer, M iller, Morrison , Neol, Pounds, Rode'r . FOURTH ROW: Richmond, Rikard, Shelborne, Sizemore, G. Smith, M . Smith, Stevens, Stotts, Tote, Trickey, W ildman. GALAXY Football championship added to Galaxy honors The Davis home. on the ou tskirt s of Searcy, was the locale for Ihe initiation of fifteen new Galaxys. After thi s th e new members joined the veteran members to build club spirit and enthusiasm and together th ey worked to capture the small club rag tag championship. uHoliday in Snow" was a perfect time for Santa Claus to vi sit the Galaxys and their guests at Buck Powers Res taurant in Beebe. Thi s formal event took place in December. Sa nta , Eddie McClellan, presented the club members' dates with gifts which were purchased by th e members. Dan Smith sang Chr istmas songs to round out the evening of entertainment. The Galaxys added mon ey to their scholarship fund as part of the annua l club project. Queen Charlotte Burkett kept the club members well supplied with cakes, cookies, and other good things to eat. The yea r was climaxed with an informal fun ction and outing in the spring. OfFICERS. Gardner, Pres.; Rikard, Vice· Pres .; DeFoer, Sec.; Goatley, Trees. ; Russell Simmons, Jock Ryan, Ken Davis, Sponsors. HARD running Charles Corter lries 10 beat out a bunt against Mohican, as the Galaxys attempt to hold on to their title as club softball champions. 113