1964-1965 Yearbook

DELTA IOTA 01 club banquet has 'Rhapsody • Blue' theme The fonnal banquet, "Rhapsody in Blue, " was the highlight of the year for the Delta Iota's. Dr. Clifton L. Ganus presented a delightful speech and the club queen, JoAnn Kelly, was honored by being asked to entertain with the ew Folk Singers for the occasion. Delta Iota' s club hut, Bales' Resort, located about fifteen miles north of Searcy. was the site of the initiation of six new members. The new members joined the veteran members for a year of varied activities. Camp Wyldewood provided a picturesque setting for the Delta Iota's and their dates in the fall. The infonnal function was a hamburger fry at which they all enjoyed playing games. Queen JoAnn Kelly showed her capability and made the year more enjoyable for the club members with her gifts of cakes and cookies. The Delta Iota 's brought the years activity to a close with an outing held at a nearby resort Vice-Pres.; McCubbin. Sec.- Treas.; DELTA. IOTA. TOP ROW, Hugkes (SponKlrj, Baker, Bayd, Bumpou, Cvlp. SECOND ROW: Grave;, Gri55om. Henderson , HoW., McCubbin. THIRD ROW, McDaniel. McGinni5, Matheney, Mills, Perhacs. FOURTH ROW: Phillips, Pin. Re~, Ricken. Simmons, Wheeler. lATHERING for a club meeting , Delto 1010'S discuss pions for the coming events of the school yeor as John Rickett presides over the meeting.