1964-1965 Yearbook

WISHING he hadn't galien up on this Monday morning, Chi Sigmo ball cor rier Ellis Haguewaad can't seem to get going against the opposition. CHI SIGMA ALPHA Dormitory parking areas marked off by Chi Sigs CHI SI GMA ALPHA. TOP ROW: Moore (sponsor). Adams, Arnold, D. Bawcom, H. Bowcom. SECOND ROW: Clark, Dixon, Gadberry, Hoguewood, Hawkins. THIRD ROW: Johnson, McMullen, Miller, Moore, Portezona. Redwine. FOURTH ROW: Roberts, Safley, Saunders, J. Williams, R. Williams, Wilson . 110 Contributing lime and Inaterials to campus improvement, Chi Sigma Alpha members marked off the dormitory parking"areas with paint blUsh in h and for their- annual club project. Another task for the year incl uded the keeping of an activity bulletin board in the student cenler~ announcing off-campu s entertainment in surrounding ci ti es, Memphis and LillIe Rock. Sharing the Pi Ka ppa Delta forensics trophy witb Lambda Sigma was an added feature of Ch i Sigma action. The first of the year found old members enjoying a stag outing to ll eber Springs . Peggy Grandi was elected as club queen. Later fun included a halloween tacky party with folksinging by Jim Ed Williams, Bob Adams and Bonnie H offman. OFFICERS . FALL: D. Bawcom, Pres ., J. Williams, Vice-Pres., Wilson, Sec.; Hawkins. Treas. SPRING: Wilson, Pres.; Sounders, Vice.Pres ., Adams. Sec.; Partezana. Treas .; Erie Moore. Sponsor.