PHI KAPPA , TOP ROW: Wilson !sponsor)', Aa ron, Abshire, Anderson, Baker, C, Barbe r, R. Barber, Bartley, Bell, Bowden. SECOND ROW: A. Brown, J. Burks, Colvin, Croton, Dempsey, Dailey, Doran, DeGraw, Eyman. THIRD ROW, Fau!es, Hester, Hull, Johnson, Kail, Kendrick, Kent, Kuykendall, Lomb , FOURTH ROW: l ooney, McDona ld, Merrell, Meyers, Nelson, Organ, Prior, Scudder, Smith, Stepl er. FIFTH ROW, Stone, Tilley, Tumlinson, Walker, Weitkamp, Work, J. Worsham, K Worsham, Yurcho. cient Rome sets mood for Beta Phi festivity A Roman theme set the atmosphere for Beta spring banquet at Bill 's Restaurant on 5. Queen Leah Gentry was an honor ed of the club. Thanks was expressed to her many favors and for loyal suppor t given tIm>u~;holu t the year. close-knit group, Beta Phi Kappa moved small club classification during the las t yea rs to a record membership of 49, to be second largest men 's club on campus. Ninenew members joined the triple ten ranks achieve this number. Doing well in large competition, Beta Phi was runner -up to ragtag champions. Burks, Pres .; A. Brown , Vice·Pres.; lamb, Sec.; Johnson, CHR ISTMAS is made more fun for Beta Phi Kappa members as thei r queen, l eah Gentry, cuts the coke for the party given before the holidays. 109