1964-1965 Yearbook

ALPHA PHI KAPPA Athletics and outdoors occupy APK talent, time ALPHA. PHI KAPPA. TOP ROW, Cox (sponsor), Wellborne (sponsor), Atchison, Bales. Brown. SECOND ROW, Collins, B. Cal(, D. Cox, Crow, Green, Medley. THIRD ROW, Milam, Moo re, Mote, Ragsdale, Randolph, Richie. FOURTH ROW, Sandlin, Smith, Spears, Thornfon, Whiddon, Whi taker. Beginning early in the year, APK got off to an acti ve start on Ihe yea r's acti vities. Among the early evcnts enjoyed by the club members was a hamburger fry at Camp \IVyldewood, when even th e rainy wea th er fail ed to dampen club spirit. As th e wea th er drove th e club to shelter, th ey founcl the Sub T' s already there, and ended up ha ving a good time toge ther, playing games, hav ing contes ts and sing ing songs. Special in te res t during th e yea r came to the club members as th ey ac ti vcly paI1:icipated in all of the inte r-club sportin g ac ti viti es. Even though the club did not produce championships in every sport. th e tea ms tha t did represent APK were always exc iting to wa tch and drew large crowds for ,,"hatever th ey happened to be pl ayinl{. OFFICERS . Sandlin, Pres.; Green, ViceĀ· Pres.; Richie, Sec.; Crow , Treos. ; Roy Wellborne, Billy Roy Cal(, Sponsors. WITH all of the action depending on when Goil MOle sheaTs his free throw, fhe rest of his APK leommoles Onlciously owoit Ihe successful shot --- 108 , .-