1964-1965 Yearbook

MlEJING in a coloniol.sTyle building, The Downtown church of Christ works wiTh evangelist Glen Pace to preach Christ to on eltponding Searcy. Worship to God is a primary part of life at Harding. Most studen ts attend theColl ege church of Christ for regular worship and Bible study. An annual fan and spring meeting is also a tradition of our religious life. Some also attend services at the Downtown congregation and others at West Side in Searcy. Appriximately 80 Har - ding students and faculty preach weekly at con - gregations in surrounding communities. DAIlY Bible study for all students is a privilege of ChrisTian education. MINISTER Joe Block works wiTh The college congregation where Harding students and faculty members worship during the school year. SERVING WesT Side, This congregolion sTrives under Ihe work of Carl Mick, miniSTer, 10 corry aul Christ"s mission 10 leach His word. 9