MAGID in on en joyable and pleasant conversation with their club queen, Ruth Ann Selby , ore Pot Hile, Anthony Bryant, and Earl Powell. A EPSILON CHI ing mark on campus, AEX cleans windows "C1ran car windshields" compliment~ of the AEX ,ocial club w"s one of the many services which the club performed on campus thi s year . "Winter Wonderland" decora tions cr ea ted a Christmas atmosphere for AEX members and dates. Special enterta iner Dan Smi th l ed the group in the singing of Christmas carol s after an enjoyable meal. Billy Ray Cox completthe evening with a humorous speech , keeping the Yuletide spirit. Throup;hout the entire pledge week ac ti vities rampus was dOlled with AEX umbrellas. ing an open umbrella r egardless of wea th er toJldilli·"n, was one of the pledp;e duties enforced strin pledgemasters. S('('ond semester acti vities were highlighted a 'kating party and a weiner roast. Ruth Ann Selby reigned as club queen for serond year. She kept AEX meetings enjoyby providing plenty of cooki es and candy her members. WJ x • • • • • • Powell, Pres .; Bryont, Vice- Pres .; Weer, Sec .; Stau ffer, Jomes Hedrick , Jerry Sto rr , Sponsors . ALPHA EPSILON CHI . TOP ROW, Hedrick (sponsor). Storr hponsor), Bryant , Friberg . SECOND ROW, Grantham, Ha ines, Henton, Hile. TH IRD ROW: Hite, Johns, Lycardi, McKnight. FOURTH ROW, Powell , Simpson , Smith , Steuf'er, Weor . 107